Thursday, November 12, 2009

Entertainment on the ups!

is it just me or is every aspect of entertainment getting good again?

i feel like there was a section of time recently that was awesome for movies and music and TV. then it got really bad. our favorite musicians were getting worse with each album, show got taken off the air and we had shit TV for a while and movies sucked. but i feel like some decent music is starting to resurface. along with great TV shows and movies. this summer was very strong for movies i think. i rarely go to the movies and i think this summer was like 50 percent of my in-theater viewing for my entire life.

there is hope for all my favorite aspects of each major entertainment aspect.

mars volta and mainly Omar is still making phenomenal music. incubus might get amazing again once they are out of the label. coheed is going to the beginning of the story (hopefully style as well). grateful dead....ehh not so much hope for them unfortunately.

season 5 of lost is unbelievable! genius television program that still reigns supreme. dexter, curb your enthusiasm, californication, its always sunny in Philadelphia is still funny as ever. none of these shows suck!

district 9 and Bruno blew me away. absolute brilliant movies on all fronts. cant really come up with more for this paragraph but in my mind its justified so that's what matters.

yea, good times!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

2012 movie

The movie 2012 looks both horrible and genious at the same time.

It seems like its nonstop action sequences of the world completely collapsing.

On the other hand, it seems like a satire on our perception of whats gonna happen. I really don't think anything that extreme is going to happen. The movie seems to be making fun of people while making tons of money.

Human Wrecking Balls....

Seriously with this shit? A show about muscular rednecks breaking shit with their bare hands? Is this the society we live in? Wow.

"Making things takes a lot of brainpower, but wheres the fun in that?"
~Excerpt from Attack of the Show clip about the show.

Also, the female host of Attack of the Show is gorgeous. ____ bless her!

Whats the deal with debit cards?

Seriously. Debit cards are a real pain in the ass sometimes. In this digital age, why cant the balance be instant. I had 400 in my account and bought an ipod for 160 and some food at random places and i looked at the account and i was negative 220! I got a paycheck for 240 bucks and im only at a positive 20.

That's crap!


This is my blog. I will use it to talk about random stuff.