Saturday, December 19, 2009

Face book versions of short stories i have written.

uhh, long time ive been anyone actually reading this, or following it, thanks. i know there is probably not one person who looks at this but it makes me feel better at least thinking there is a possibility of a real follower. anyway, here are some stories i have written in a facebook thread. all my close friends have seen these but now i will release them to a broader audience (in theory).

story 1: aka the essay entitled "I Feel Like our Cars are Pets, In a High School."

i feel like our cars are pet, like dogs and everytime we get together they play and have a good time. but since we dont see much of each other they cant play and are saddened. i feel like they are just pets in like a high school. me and tragnos cars are like the two that are best friends. maybe one is a girl and one is a guy. then richie is like the energetic little brother. kennys is like an american badass who doesnt really fit in in our social gatherings. todds is the closet version of that american badass and also younger. caits is the little sister. and justins is the awkward teen who tries to be super mature and unfun. amandas car is the simple conservative teen girl. daves car is the young husky brother cause of the foor doors. nanis is the older sports star whos passed his prime. he was a jock back in high school but he got too old and started working out less.

i feel like our cars are going to school everytime we are parked. they get to know each other and learn about shit. kennys mustang just got lazy and stays at home watching tv all day long. then he takes summer classes. cause everytime he drives it,it is the summer and the classes are interesting places like parks and concerts and movie theaters. he has the best school schedule. our cars are dailys so they are constantly going to school all year around and work hard and dont get rewarded with nice things. meanwhile, the sporty jock gets spoiled and only does minimal shit for 4 months. caits car goes away to school at some preppy college and is a party animal. she also has scars to prove it. my car is the kid who just stays close to home and care about going any farther. richies car is like that too kinda. amandas as well, but sometimes her car goes away parties at a kinda far away party college. justins car goes to a generic party college that no one gives a shit if you went to. potential employers would just be like "oh...bloomsburg...isnt that a party school? who cares about the education value of the school." tragno is the girlfriend car of my car and she goes off to a better school and now has a sexy bowtie or a hat. also a nice skirt (the vr lip). the power windows are like earings.

tragno, my pet student dog car misses your pet student dog car. they need to get together and play. when you used to sleep over our cars were out there getting close and possibly "doing it". when ever we were all together, our cars were out there hanging out and having a sick party. when ever we hang out in smaller groups, its like our cars are in weird little cliques.

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